Here is a wonderful outline to follow when you find yourself at a lack of words while praying for a Walk …
Begin by asking God to clear your mind from all outside distractions. Place your thoughts and your spirit with the people and the event you have come to ask Him to bless. Be silent for a few moments and begin to feel His presence with you. Pray as if you are talking to your best friend β you are. Ask Him to bless with His Holy Spirit the buildings, the grounds, and all things used to bring those present to an awareness of Him.
- Pray for the lay director, if not by name, by duty. He/she must walk in His spirit for anything he/she may be called upon to solve.
- Pray for the assistant lay directors in much the same way. Pray that they do not tire and may God give them renewed strength each day.
- Pray for the spiritual director, that he/she may truly be an instrument of His spirit, may Jesus continue to bless them, and that through them, the Lord’s Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
- Pray for the assistant spiritual directors in much the same way.
- Pray for the board representative, that he/she may have the courage to keep the purity of the event and not let personalities keep him/her from doing what he/she promised God he/she would do.
- Pray for the speakers. Pray that they remember Whom they represent, lay down self, and glorify God.
- Pray for the talks β for the message they give, for the giver, and for those who hear, that they may hear according to their need.
- Pray for the musicians, that their music may bring God’s message and soothe troubled souls.
- Pray for the Pilgrims; the ones who can’t leave their thoughts behind, the ones uneasy in that setting, the ones who can’t sleep, the ones that feel forced to come, the ones who are open and receiving, and for all conditions known only to God.
- Pray that God will grant good health and restful sleep to all Pilgrims and team members throughout the weekend.
- Pray for all pilgrim and team members that they will be able βto let go and let God” in all they think and do this weekend.
- Pray that each Pilgrim will feel the love of Christ in a very special way that they have never felt before and that they will accept it, then take this love back home to be shared with others
- Pray that the family members of both the team member and Pilgrim who were left at home during the weekend will be protected from harm and be maintained in good health.
- Pray for each team members by name, and ask God to help them forget the outside world for the weekend and to concentrate their total effort on serving Lord Jesus through their interactions with the Pilgrims and others serving at the walk and in supporting each other and the Conference Room team.
- Pray for the fun and the fellowship β that it may warm hearts and keep all focused on God.
- Pray for the cooks and all the background workers who minister in unrecognized ways.
- Pray for the table leaders and assistant table leaders. Pray for their subtle guidance and emptying of self that will lead their Pilgrims directly to Christ.
- Pray for all the agape gifts, for all the hands that made them and for the blessings they bring.
- Pray for the sponsors that they may be mentors to their Pilgrims, supporting them and encouraging them and may they assist their Pilgrims to find a reunion group.
- Pray for special times of the weekend β you know what they are.
For the Pilgrims Pray:
- that God will be with each Pilgrim who may be resisting the Spirit’s call
- that each Pilgrim will enter into table discussions and freely give of herself or himself when it comes to responding to questions, participating in the creative poster/skit time, etc.
- for peace of mind for each Pilgrim so that they will hear the messages shared by each speaker
- that each Pilgrim will faithfully lay their personal burdens at the foot of the cross and know Jesus has accepted their burden in love
- for each Pilgrim by name that if she or he doesn’t know Lord Jesus as personal Savior, that he/she will ask Him into their heart
- that the letters of agape received from other communities will show them how far and wide God’s love reaches
- that the Holy Spirit will work in each Pilgrim’s life at the Closing service and into all of their fourth days
- that their transition back into the workplace on Monday would go smoothly
- that they would be more aware of people God places in their path for ministry opportunities
- that each Pilgrim will walk closely with Lord Jesus and keep His name on their lips and His Spirit in their heart at all times
And, lastly, give it all to our Lord and Friend, who sees and knows all that is on our hearts. Ask for His blessing and presence with everyone connected, not only those mentioned, but for all the families and those in each church and community. End by praising and thanking God for the opportunity He has given you to talk to Him on behalf of His children. Amen.
Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances.
For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Pilgrims and team members are counting on you.